…ok, so you want a killer web app that will locate the position of the current visitor? No problem. Here are the tools of the trade. (Your requirements may vary, for me, i want Lat/Long information, with regards to the KISS principle) 1. IP to location databases Typical providers include ip2location, ipligence, maxmind. They are usually expensive, static, and just too big. The concept is that you have a big database downloaded and monthly updated, and you can open that database to get the location info from whatever platform you want.

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Because my previous entry on the subject is one of the most popular entries in my blog, yet the solution is not satisfactory (you have to get your users to mess with about:config), i decided to take a second look at the problem. Just as a reminder: in Firefox 3 when you try to access a file input’s value property, it only gives you the filename, whereas earlier versions (and some other browsers at the moment) would give you the full path.

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…so try to access a file input’s value property in FFX3. What do you get? The filename. What do you get in IE and FFX2? The filename AND the path. Well, if your script has been relying on this behaviour, you might find yourself in trouble. So far the only solution i found hides in the comments section of this post (great showcase of new functionality on the other hand btw).

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Long time no news

Hi all, sorry for being silent for a while, but in the past weeks i had a lot of things to do. From one part i have moved to a new apartment where is still no Internet installed, from the other hand i was on holidays. As a result my feed reader contains around 700 unread items i should browse through when i find a little free time in the office:)

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For some reason my previous post keeps crashing my FFX2. Maybe the list is way too long:) The markup of the post itself seems like valid HTML to me, so it must be something else. My plugins, or other markup of blogger? It’s a mistery, if it happens with you, too, let me know and sorry about the inconveniences. This is an archive post. It represents a point of view in the past.

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Acid3 fever

Just one day after Opera passing 100/100 on Acid3 appeared in the news, Safari team also announced Webkit to be passing the test. Apparently the test was also changing in the meanwhile, but they are both doing pretty well anyways. What about Firefox? Well, due to the upcoming release of version 3, it is not a subject of interest at the moment. [Source: Ajaxian] This is an archive post. It represents a point of view in the past.

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Adam Maschek

Engineering Leader


Munich, Germany